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Calgary Home Tour Pictures 2023

This page has pictures of the 2023 Calgary home tour. There are five pictures per home.
Scroll down to see the pictures from each home. It may take a moment for pictures to load.
Details of these homes will be on the Calgary page until February 2024.

Here are the links to the 2023 Edmonton and Lethbridge tour pictures.

We also encourage you to view our 2021 virtual tour videos on the Videos and Definitions page.

Click here to return to the main ecosolar.ca web page.

Site 1 Bragg Creek Energy Efficient Home

1a Large home in the foothills made entirely with ICF (insulated concrete forms).
1b The homeowner/builder, Frank, explains the features and shows an album of construction pictures.
1c Explaining the exposed timber frame arches.
1d Lovely view of the foothills from a vaulted living room.
1e Its going to be lovely when it is finished.

Site 2 Bragg Creek Passive House

2a This home in Bragg Creek was built to Passive House standards and is very efficient.
2b There is no basment as this is located very near the river. Here is the main living space.
2c The second floor with a small TV area at the top of the stairs.
2d The home has some lovely features.
2e This home is net-zero ready. The roof is sloped for solar.

Site 3 Wolf Willow NZE Home

3a A net-zero energy show home by one of the larger homebuilders.
3b Lovely open-concept living/dining/kitchen area.
3c This home won an award for the best interior decoration in a show home.
3d A suggested use of one of the basement rooms is a massage studio.
3e The mechanical room featuring an heat pump water heater, drain water recovery, and air source heat pump for cooling and heating.

Site 4 City of Calgary Composting Facility

4a The Calgary composting facility is the largest of its kind in Canada.
4b There was a presentation on composting in a classroom on the second floor that overlooked the main tipping floor.
4c City employee Michelle, explains how composting works to the visitors.
4d Examples of what can and cannot be put into the compost container and samples of compost.
4e The curing shed where the compost is aged.

Site 5 Haysboro NZR Retrofit

5a This home is getting a major makeover and energy efficiency improvements.
5b They used an expanded polystyrene building material with included steel studs to build the new walls.
5c The building system is easy to build with and provides very good insulation.
5d This closeup shows the raceways that are left for electrical. Note the vertical line of glue between sections.
5e There is going to be a lot more open space in the rennovated home.

Site 6 Westgate Solar and EV Home

6a The Westgate home focussed on transportation. The home is walking distance to the LRT.
6b An electric cargo bike that can carry 400 lbs or two children.
6c Their main electric bike with seats for two children.
6d Their Tesla charging in the garage. Their solar system on the garage is connected to their EV charger.
6e The small shed on the left is their "bicycle garage". Note the grey radon removal pipe on the center right of the house.

Site 7 Ramsay Garage Suite

7a This homeowner added a net-positive garage and garage suite behind his older home in the Ramsay neighborhood.
7b There are solar thermal and photovoltaics on the roof sufficent to more than offset the energy needs of this garage and suite.
7c The solar installer was on hand to show how the system worked.
7d Here is a model of the solar thermal system showing the collectors, circulation valves, and the solar powered pump.
7e Hot water from the garage is piped through an insulated underground duct to the old house to supplement their heating.

Site 8 Airdrie NNZ Home

These homeowners are working at upgrading their home to net-zero energy and they are almost there.
8b Homeowner, Sherry, explains some of the features of the home.
8c Homeowner, Adrian, showing how he is reducing heat loss with simple curtains and extra insulation.
8d The air source heat pump water heater creates hot water very efficiently.
8e They have added an air source heat pump for heating and cooling and have disconnected the gas from the home.

Site 9 Airdrie NZE Geothermal Home

9a This home has been rennovated to net-zero energy with a minimum of construction disruption.
9b Amelie, the homeowner, welcomes visitors to her home and explains what there is to see.
9c In a video, Amelie, the homeower explains how the home was sealed using an aerosol sealant. An example is on the plywood piece.
9d They added a ground source heat pump for heating and cooling (it also supplies hot water).
9e With the house sealed, and the ground source heat pump, they were able to get to net-zero energy by adding sufficient solar to the roof.

Site 10 Balzac Solar and EV Home

10a This estate home featured a discussion on electric vehicles.
10b There were two electric vehicles and a plug-in hybrid SUV to see.
10c There were materials showing the CO2 efficiency of switching to electric vehicles.
10d The home also had solar photovoltaics, a solar thermal collector (black on side of the house), and a wind turbine (not shown).
10e They also had a lovely back yard and garden with a large water feature.

Site 11 Macewan NZE Retrofit Home

11a This home was the first CHBA certified net-zero retofit.
11b The homeowners were on hand to describe the features of the home.
11c Homeowner, Peter, describes the cold climate air source heat pump.
11d Here is a sample of the additional insulation that was added to the exterior of the home.
11e The garage was built with a large south-facing roof for solar. There is additional solar on the roof of the house.

Site 12 Rocky Ridge Solar Home

12a This home demonstrated some of the energy-efficiency features of a newer home in Rocky Ridge.
12b The homeowners are very happy with their electric vehicle.
12c The basement is not finished yet which let people see the substantial wall insulation and the drain water heat recovery pipe.
12d The home has a large solar installation on the roof. Here is the solar inverter in the electrical room.
12e This home demonstrates that a newer home can be built efficiently.

Site 13 was not available in 2023

Site 14 Highwood NZE Retrofit Home

14a This older home recieved a net-zero retrofit. Sam was on hand to show the features of the home.
14b Part of the update to the home was to update the interior finishes.
14c The home had a small addition off the kitchen but it was not efficient. This update improved the insulation of the entire home including the addition.
14d An air-source heat pump was added for heating and cooling, and the gas line was disconnected.
14e Solar was added to the roof of the house and the garage to get to net-zero energy.

Site 15 Balmoral NZE Home

15a This net-zero energy home in Balmoral was built as a multi-generational duplex.
15b The main floor at the front of the home was built for mom. Note the concrete floor which provides passive solar heating.
15c The second floor and the back of the home are for the homeowners. They also have a concrete floor for passive solar.
15d The home does not have a heating system. It maintains its heat so well that they only need to use two small electric space heaters in the winter.
15e They also have bees in the backyard. Apparently there is a service that will set up and manage a bee hive for you in Calgary.

Want to see more?

Here are the links to the 2023 Edmonton and Lethbridge tour pictures.
You can also see our 2021 virtual tour videos on the Videos and Definitions page.

Click here to return to the main ecosolar.ca web page.

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